Our Walk for Menopause Awareness 5K Walk

Paris, IL

This will be a 5k walk in Paris, IL for many of us women to just come together and share our stories, what's been happeing to them, what things are working, what's not working.  Menopause information will be available to be passed out for each woman/registrant, as well as have available local health professionals for Q &A. There is also the chance to win 1 of 2 free books from Dr. Mary Claire-Haver called, "The New Manopause" and "The Galveston Diet", and you must be present to win!

The Mission:
My mission for Our Walk for Menopause Awareness is to be able to bring as many women and healthcare professionals together in order to show the need to our local communities for more personal education, more doctor education, and more compassion from everyone for this menopausal life event we can’t stop, but can control.

Our Goal:
For each $ 2,000 from the event, we will be setting up a scholarship for an IL student in their pursuit of higher education within the state of IL.

Thank you for your help and compassion!

When & Where

Jun 15, 2024


10:30 AM

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Event Schedule

Paris, IL

West Lake Park


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